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7 Ways to Stay Well

7 Ways to Stay Well

Posted by Candice Evangeline on 2020 Apr 21st

This too shall pass

Its day I-Don't-Even-know-anymore of the global lock-down and we are starting to go a little stir-crazy.  I'm naturally introverted and love being at home, so I'm sharing a few tips that have helped me keep going now, and in the past.  Some are things I've stumbled upon recently and others are from my own playbook.  I hope you'll find these helpful! 

1. Keep a To-Do list

Although its very important to be gentle with yourself right now, keeping a list of things you'd like to accomplish over the next who knows how long, can be a helpful way to stay productive, at your own pace.  The act of writing things down alone will help you remember what you'd like to do with your time; while the act of checking things off provides a sense of accomplishment that many of us are craving.  

I'm currently working through a list of creative and fun things I'd like to do or try that I'm also using as a reference if I get bored.  There's nothing there that I MUST do, but when I get something done, it feels good.  

2. Don't worry about a diet

We truly are the lucky ones if the worst that comes of this is a few extra pounds or an extra roll.  And hey, if you are using this time to focus on physical wellness, more power to you!  This is a matter of not pressuring yourself to do things that will cause additional stress and doing the things that relieve it.  Its important to note that this is different for everyone, you do you. 

3. Eat Breakfast

It's easy to skip meals when your schedule is no longer what it usually is.  That first meal is important.  Whatever your new normal is, don't forget to fuel up!  

4. Get Dressed!

In all seriousness though, Putting on something other than PJ's & sweats helps create a sense of normalcy.  It's like the saying goes, dress for the position you want, not the one you have.

5. Meditate

We are living through a truly crazy time and it can be hard to find stillness among the chaos.  Meditation helps you come back to your center and creates an ability to find peace in the moment.  My favorite meditation app is Insight Timer.  They have many guided meditations from experts to help you through this exact moment and much more.  

6. Clean

Again, it's totally okay if you haven't done all-the-things  but cleaning has amazing therapeutic effects. I love to clean and when dealing with that really funky feeling, the one where you're trying to figure out what to do with yourself, clean.  Seriously, cleaning can ease anxiety and even full blown existential crisis's.  Pick a room, a closet, a drawer and go at it.  DO IT! You'll feel so good after, promise.  

7. Practice Self Care

At the end, it all comes down to self care and whatever that means to you.  A bath, cooking, a work out, meditation, binge watching a show, making a silly video, candy, a cupcake, whatever!  It doesn't matter 'cause it's different for everyone.  But if you haven't found what works for you, trust me on the cleaning and meditation.   

***I almost forgot a very important one!***

Put on some music!

It is proven that music helps improve mood. Even if you're a bit bored, putting on a set of headphones and practicing deep listening can ease anxiety and pass time in an enjoyable way. Or blast it and clean! 

I've shared a few articles regarding mental well being on Facebook come check me out there for that type of content.  

Wishing you a mind/body/soul positive day! 

xoxo Candice 

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